Show Brazil in The SCHOOLS
Brazil, the largest country in South America, is domicile to one of the most lively African-based cultural communities in the Americas. Centered in the state of Bahia, Afro-Brazilian traditions have transformed Brazilian music and dance in many ways. Show Brazil!, led by well-known recording artist Eduardo Mendonça, presents an exciting and dynamic introduction to Brazil through its music. Through the wide range of performance styles, students will appreciate Brazil as a complex and multicultural society with a rich and complex history. Eduardo Mendonça, a former high school principal in Brazil, also offers workshops and residencies. Workshops are available for choirs, general music classes, and social studies projects. Residencies for the entire school can include costumes. At the heart of the unique and dynamic partnering work inherent in our repertory and performances are an underlying message of teamwork, trust, and collaboration. These are just a few of the vitally important values that we incorporate as lessons for students from kindergarten through high school (K-12) in our highly successful and inspiring Arts in Education after-school, residency, and assembly programs. We continue our educational outreach in our university and collegiate level residencies, workshops, panel discussions, and performances, expanding our curriculum to include more advanced explorations in partnering technique, as well as investigations of complex social issues through physical movement, and much more.
Programs Include
*ASSEMBLIES BY SHOW BRAZIL! * Residencies By Eduardo Mendonça.
Show Brazil! opens a typical performance with the percussion rhythms of Ijexá, Afro-Brazilian rhythms brought to Brazil by African slaves in the 16th Century. The music then moves into Baião, combining lively rhythms and heartfelt lyrics from the people of the Sertão (a desert region of Northeastern Brazil). Next comes Maculelê, a tradition originating from an ancient Afro-Brazilian war dance. The rhythms and songs of Maculelê reflect the invincible spirit and imagination of slaves working the sugar- cane fields in Brazil. Following Maculelê is Capoeira music. This form of music comes from a Brazilian martial art developed by the 17th Century that escaped African slaves. Capoeira movements are known for their acrobatic leaps and fierce playfulness. Succeeding Capoeira are the electrifying rhythms of Samba and Galope. The music of Samba-Reggae (the heart and soul of Afro-Brazilian Popular Music) concludes our show. Originating in Salvador, Samba-Reggae has become popular the world over. Featured musical instruments include the Berimbau (a tall, bowed instrument with a gourd), and a full array of drums and other percussion instruments (Surdo, Repinique, Cuíca, Triângulo, Pandeiro, Tamborim, and Agogô). The program is of 45 minutes and can be modified in length or content for specific audiences. Language Arts - Hearing and reproducing sung and spoken PortugueseSocial Studies - Understanding cultural change Arts - Understanding the impact of slavery in the Americas inking dance, song, and story.
"I just wanted to let you know how much fun today’s assembly was. The students and I loved it! So many students were involved with it, actually everyone with all of the clapping and shouting and dancing at the end. It was very engaging with wonderful music, bright colors, the dancing, etc. I loved how the performers moved throughout the audience. It was great! My students talked about it on the way back to class and in class for a long time. When a student came in late who had been out all morning, many students said, “You missed it! The best assembly!” We all need more of that kind of active engagement with performers and just pure joy! Thank you for arranging for coming."
From a 4th Grade teacher ofSouth Colby Elementary School - Port Orchard, WA (May 2008).
" Thanks so much for coming to our school! That was no doubt the Best assembly we have ever had! Please come back to Ferrucci next year so we don't have to have any more boring speakers! Ian Hess-Baxter, Junior High Student.
Ferrucci Jr. High School. Puyallup, WA (May 2008).
"Dear Eduardo, Wow, what a workshop! You are amazing! The students (most of them teachers) just loved your performance, participatory segments, and words to them. One marching band director said to me that he was convinced that his band could be energized on the field if he could learn and then teach to them ways of sparking of their pieces, Brazilian-style".Dr. Patricia Campbell - University Washington". Brazilian Percussion workshop at University of Washington - Summer 2002.
"Show Brazil was the best program we have had in years!”
Jim Jamieson, Music SpecialistLewis and Clark Elementary - Richland,WA.
“Thank you for all the teaching and energy. I have really enjoyed your enthusiasm and talent. The different instruments you play are amazing! The experience I have had will stay with me for the rest of my life. My favorite instrument was the Agogo bells. Brazil sounds like an awesome place to visit.”Clayton Zimmerman , Sixth grade student.
Chimacum Middle School - Chimacum, WA (Spring 1999
“ Dear Eduardo, How wonderful it is to see you again! Thank you so much for your presentation for our Mused 496: The Artist as Citizen course of students. You said so much, and in so little time, that was inspiring and deeply meaningful to the process these students are undergoing in imagining themselves as teaching artists/teaching musicians. We greatly value you for your musical self, and for your radiant spirit”.
Dr. Patricia Campbell - University Washington". Brazilian Percussion workshop at University of Washington - Summer 2002.
Dr. Patricia Campbell
Donald E. Peterson Professor of MusicEthnomusicology-EducationUniversity of Washington.